MailBigFile Alternative

You are using MailBigFile to send large files. But let me guess what you have in mind when deciding to look for an alternative. You want to send files larger than 2 GB, but you don’t want to spend money. Is it correct?
You need a fast, easy and free file transfer service. So you look for MailBigFile alternative…

MailBigFile is the tool that allows you to transfer large files online. However, the free account is limited to only 2 GB. There are similar services that allow you to send large files online at a larger size and for free. Just like I said a few times, popular doesn’t always mean the best.

MailBigFile Alternative
SendGB is MailBigFile Alternative

Therefore, if you’re looking for a MailBigFile alternative to send files larger than 2 GB, here’s the easiest way to send large files!

What is MailBigFile?

With MailBigFile you can share files up to 2GB. But MailBigFile has some drawbacks. You do not need to pay the fees to overcome these disadvantages.

With MailBigFile you can share files as email. But it is not possible to share files as links.

With MailBigFile, only up to 2GB of files are shared. But now many media files are over 2GB.

MailBigFile is download limit. So if you are using a free download the file can be downloaded only 20 times.

With MailBigFile you can only share up to 5 files at the same time.

What is MailBigFile Alternative?

The best alternative for MailBigFile is SendGB. With SendGB up to 5GB of large files are sent by email.
Moreover, there is no limit for download in SendGB. 500 files can be shared easily at the same time.
Files can be shared by email or link.

SendGB has a password protection feature. You can easily specify a single-use password if you want to send files without membership.

Moreover, the files can be deleted automatically when the other party downloads.